ICT Security

Cybercriminals go after organizations because they can make a lot of money from them. Most companies are attacked because they try to provide “complete protection” with limited IT resources and employees who don’t know what they’re doing. Attempts by businesses to provide “complete protection” result in flaws that malicious actors exploit. Even a single piece of malicious software can infect the entire organization’s network. If this happens, business operations may have to be stopped quickly, which could be very bad for the company. It should also be underlined that a system is doubly susceptible if a fix is not installed. This is because, first, the vulnerability that the patch would cure still exists, and second because it is known, it is more likely to be exploited by malicious users, hackers, and virus makers. Both of these concepts are essential to remember.

All of your company’s information systems can be secured with the assistance of our organization.